Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association (AHHA) Blueprint Refresh Roundtable

In 2017 the Australian Healthcare & Hospitals Association (AHHA) developed, with health leaders for health leaders, a blueprint on how to transform our healthcare system into a fit for purpose 21st century system that would meet the needs and expectations of Australians. Since then, the Council of Australian Governments has agreed a number of health reforms aligning with the recommendations put forward in AHHA’s Healthy people, healthy systems ( The 2018 Heads of Agreement now signed by 6 of the 8 states and territories acknowledges the need for new long term health system reforms.

AHHA’s Blueprint Refresh Roundtable brings together AHHA members and other Australian health leaders to evaluate the progress made to date against Healthy people, healthy systems and to tease out key policy issues that need to be addressed in order to implement outcomes-focused, value-based care in Australia.

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