Health System Research

Analogy of the system, rather than the ED front door

“The problem of blockages shows up in ambulance ramping and long wait times, but this is a complex issue requiring whole-of-health system solutions,” according to Professor Hugh Grantham, Chair of Emergency Medicine Foundation in an interview with Australian Health Journal.

New research papers show productivity gains and gaps

Commissioner Catherine De Fontenay talks about the Productivity Commission’s new approach to analysing health productivity, shifting the perspective from the unit measurement of individuals using the health system to the actual improvement of health. This has shown Australia’s health treatment productivity is improving, but identifies gaps in preventative health measures and duplication, where digital technology needs to be more effectively used.

Unleashing the potential of Paramedic skills and knowledge

According to a prominent paramedicine academic and researcher, paramedics have the potential to provide much-needed care in the community, changing the traditional healthcare model. Research points to paramedics having a wider healthcare workforce impact based on their ability to identify and fix problems 24/7.

Dr. Brendan Shannon is Head of Postgraduate Programs in the Department of Paramedicine at Monash University and a member of The Australasian College of Paramedicine. His interests including refining healthcare models, to ensure underserved communities receive requisite care. These alternative care pathways, like outreach programs, can work out of hospitals to provide care in underserved communities with social and complex chronic conditions.

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