
Patient-paramedic trust can help free up emergency departments

Dr. Robbie King is a Senior Advanced Care Paramedic with the Queensland Ambulance Service and a community paramedic. He is also a lecturer at the Australian Catholic University in Brisbane. After studying paramedicine and working as a student paramedic since 2009, he recognised that most patients attended by ambulance services did not require emergency interventions.

Ensuring stringent quality standards in the lifecycle of medical devices

Dr Jasjit Baveja is the Associate Director of Policy at the Medical Technology Association of Australia (MTAA), where she oversees regulatory affairs, clinical code of practice, procurement, industry policy, reimbursement, and advocacy. With over 20 years of experience in the medical device regulatory space, Dr Bavej’s expertise lies in providing educational opportunities for regulatory professionals in Australia to ensure continuous learning and professional development. She collaborates closely with the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) to run workshops that provide invaluable experience, networking opportunities, and skill enhancement.

Handling modern day diets and misinformation as a HCP

Laureate Professor Clare Collins AO in Nutrition and Dietetics at the University of Newcastle, emphasises the need for accurate and reliable nutrition information to reach the public. Prof Collins believes that it is vital for clinicians to stay up-to-date with cutting-edge nutrition science and work with communication organisations to disseminate information to the general public. This is particularly important as social media is full of both reliable and unreliable information on dietary patterns, such as veganism.

Awareness campaigns and HCP Toolkits for thyroid health

In 2021, the Australian Thyroid Foundation released analysis to show, well over 1 million Australian are living with an undiagnosed thyroid disorder, including thyroid cancer, lower IQs, lifelong disability, and a causal or possible contributory factor – in the development of other neurological disorders such as ADHD and autism. Some of the challenges for diagnosis and treatment can be addressed by producing material for health care practitioners during patient presentations.

‘Recent statistics show well over 1 million Australians are living with an undiagnosed thyroid disorder, awareness and testing can prevent unwarranted outcomes for mothers and their babies’ says ATF CEO Beverley Garside OAM

The Australian Thyroid Foundation has lodged a Pre-Budget Submission for the Federal Budget 2024-25 to counter increasing misinformation on social media creating dietary deficiencies such as an increasing number of young women, who are planning pregnancy or already pregnant opting for plant based milks such almond, soy or oat milk coffee as an alternative to standard cow’s milk, which is a source of iodine and alternate milks do not include.

Lens on patient care & allied health workforce across settings

The CEO of Allied Health Professions Australia (AHPA), Bronwyn Morris-Donovan spoke with Australian Health Journal about the following:

The structure and priorities for AHPA
The setting and disciplines in Allied Health
Allied Health representation in the Strengthening Medicare Task Force
Importance of a data strategy and interoperability in delivery of allied health services
Key allied health priorities hopefully addressed in Federal Budget.

In the lead up to the Australian Federal Budget in May 2023, Australian Health Journal reached out to peak health industry bodies to hear about their priorities, either noted in pre-budget submissions lodged with Federal Government in January 2023 or in recent forums such as the Strengthening Medicare Taskforce.

Entering The New Health Frontier

A new parliamentary report ‘The New Frontier: Delivering better health for all Australians’ is recommending significant reforms to the health care system to ensure Australians have better and faster access to the wave of new medicines and technologies.

The bipartisan report makes 31 recommendations to reform Australia’s system for the regulation and reimbursement with the hope that patients will receive faster access to the latest medicines and technologies.

Professor Jeffrey Braithwaite on patient safety and health systems improvement

Professor Jeffrey Braithwaite is Founding Director of the Australian Institute of Health Innovation, Director of the Centre for Healthcare Resilience and Implementation Science and Professor of Health Systems Research at Macquarie University.

Professor Jeffrey Braithwaite is a leading health services and systems researcher with an international reputation for his work investigating and contributing to systems improvement.

The Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association (AHHA) recently announced it will award the 2021 Sidney Sax medal for outstanding contributions to the development and improvement of Australia’s healthcare system to Professor Jeffrey Braithwaite.

Consumer Commission Report – What consumer-centred health and social care should look like

ANDHealth CEO Bronwyn Le Grice steps us through key report data from 317 emerging high growth potential digital health companies across Australia. Each of these companies has been supported in some way by ANDHealth since 2017.

ARCS Virtual Summit 2020 Report

ANDHealth CEO Bronwyn Le Grice steps us through key report data from 317 emerging high growth potential digital health companies across Australia. Each of these companies has been supported in some way by ANDHealth since 2017.

Sonia Marshall – South Western Sydney Local Health District

South Western Sydney Local Health District serves nearly 1 million people in a rapidly growing area of Sydney. Currently 250-300 families a week are moving into the region and with a growing population, the health district requires well executed strategy and delivery of healthcare to the population. Executive Director Sonia Marshall spoke with Australian Health Journal reporter Anne Dao at last week’s Australian Healthcare Week in Sydney, on supporting staff and the community. Sonia highlights the mission of delivering Safe Quality Healthcare at all times. In-time patient feedback is important and the SWSLHD has implemented a system called “My Experience Matters” to give near immediate response from patients on their level of care, whilst they are still on site at the hospital. The aim of the initiative is to quickly identify bad experiences that could be rectified.

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