ARCS Australia

Medicinal cannabis in Australia Update

According to the Australian Journal of General Practice, published by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, more than 130,000 medicinal cannabis approvals have been issued in Australia to date, mostly by general practitioners, with approximately 65% of these to treat chronic non-cancer pain. Despite robust supportive data from animal models, current clinical trial evidence for THC and CBD efficacy in chronic pain is incomplete. In their prescribing decisions, doctors must balance patient demand and curiosity with caution regarding potential risks and limited efficacy (Source:

Australian Health Journal met with 3 speakers at the recent @arcsaustralia ARCS22 Conference providing an update on medicinal cannabis. The discussion with the speakers now centres on affordability and access.

From pandemic to recovery

The 2021 ARCS Australia Annual Conference held 7th-9th June brought together industry, regulator, academia and researchers to educate, network and unite in a time of change.

ARCS Virtual Summit 2020 Report

ANDHealth CEO Bronwyn Le Grice steps us through key report data from 317 emerging high growth potential digital health companies across Australia. Each of these companies has been supported in some way by ANDHealth since 2017.

ARCS Annual Conference 2019

Earlier this month, ARCS Australia held it’s Annual Conference at the International Convention Centre Sydney – ICC Sydney, with the theme of putting patients at the centre of healthcare. Uniquely, the conference included a number of patients who attended, presented or were referenced.

ARCS Australia

ARCS Australia Ltd is a national, membership-based organisation focused on the development and growth of the healthcare sector. ARCS provides education, career pathways, professional development and advocacy to the healthcare sector.

Our membership is made up of individuals working in regulatory affairs, clinical research, health economics, medical information and other disciplines who work in the development and quality use of therapeutic goods. ARCS members are based in industry, academia, medical research institutes, government, hospitals and patient groups.
Through its members ARCS has a broad and effective reach throughout the healthcare sector, and provides a neutral forum to develop, agree and implement aligned policies and initiatives.

ARCS and its members are dedicated to improving the quality of life of healthcare consumers.


Clinical Trials in Australia

Shanny Dyer, CEO ARCS Australia talks about a recent summit where the CRO (Contract Research Organization) community was asked on the current state of clinical trials in Australia.

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